The Sun is in Aries and will move into Taurus on Monday April 19, 2021.
New Moon in Aries on April 11-12: this will be the first New Moon for this Astrological year.
Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26-27- this Full Moon will be a Super Moon, it will be at its closest point to Earth, so it will appear to be larger than normal.
Mercury is in Aries and will enter Taurus on Monday, April 19, 2021.
Venus is in Aries and will enter Taurus on Wednesday, April 14, 2021- so all our Taurus friends will look extra shiny, bright and beautiful for about the next 3 weeks.
Mars is in Gemini and will enter Cancer on Friday, April 23, 2021.
Pluto is in Capricorn and will turn Retrograde on Tuesday, April 27, 2021.