The Moon Today

Tuesday, December 29, 2020
The Sun is in Capricorn, the Moon is in Cancer.
The First Full Moon for 2020 was in Cancer and the last (and 13th!) Full Moon for 2020 will be in Cancer. This Full Moon will also be the highest Full Moon of the year.
The Moon will be full at 7:30 pm (PST), 10:30 pm (EST), 11:30 (AST) and 3:30 am on December 30 (GMT), adjust the time for you, wherever you are in the world.
The keywords for this Full Moon are: warm & cozy, comfort food, protect, connect, home, family, emotional release, closure.
Perform your favorite Full Moon ritual. Don't have a ritual? Try this:
1. Start with a long, hot bubble bath- add epsom salt and baking powder to cleanse and clear all negative energy from you.
2. Light a candle.
3. Write a gratitude list (3-10 items, or however many you want; reflect on the best things that happened to you in 2020). Keep this list, release it at the next Full Moon.
4. Write a forgiveness list. Forgive yourself, forgive everyone else for whatever harm has ever been done to you. After you have written the list, in your mind, send blessings to everyone on the list. Then burn it, shred it, crush it up and throw it away.
Happy Full Cold Moon!